Nickie brought two of her friends with her for her senior shoot. We started at the usual locations but then made a pit stop at a best idea yet, at least for her. :) She (and her "girls" had so much fun on the swings and other playground equipment. Nickie, you are a beautiful girl and I enjoyed watching you three being kids, even though you are all grown up!
I met this family at Pleasant Grove and came across another photographer doing a shoot there so we moved further back on the property, and then worked our way back to the main spot. So glad it worked out, I found some great new locations!
This family was so fun..I really enjoyed editing these pictures and laughing again at the antics of the kids and the looks on their faces. Tara & Henry you have a beautiful family full of spunk! I hope you enjoy your photos!
I met this family at a friends farm for their pictures. What a beautiful setting for a beautiful family! I had so much fun watching the brother and sister just be brother and sister! And sweet Maddie was so cute, and an awesome cheerleader! Of course you can see where the kids all got their good looks...from their Moms! Hope you enjoyed the day and the pictures Julie & Becky.
Hi and Welcome to all that read/look at/follow my blog! I know some of you, but some I don't! So if you have a moment to spare, leave a comment and say Hi, maybe let me know who you are and the area you are from!!
Thanks for letting me share my photos with you!
I'm a stay at home Mom to two of the loves of my life, my 6 year old twins Abigail & Caleb. My husband Ryan is the other love of my life, and then throw in a puppy (aka: Molly) and it equals one crazy fun filled household!
I'm an amateur photographer who has always taken photos of anything and everything. I love capturing everyday moments and special moments in natural light.
All images on this blog belong to me, Tammy Kimble/Tammy Kimble Photography. Please do not copy, save, or download to your computer or hard drive, or print these images.
copyright 2008, 2009, 2010