My friend asked me to take these picture as a gift to her husband, and we worked together to make it into a collage. She was thrilled with how it turned out...and I was too. It looks so much better in person!
It was matted and framed so this is a "simulation" of how it looks framed, and then one of just the print itself.
We are having a winter blizzard here, about 20 inches and counting. The kids wanted to go out and play for a while this morning..they could barely wade through it. I remember snows like this from when I was a kid..I hope they remember these snowfalls when they get older!
Molly absolutely LOVED it and would spend all day out if we would let her.
I wanted to try something a little different this year and this idea came to me. I think it turned out really cute.
My kids put up with so much from me taking pictures. You can't really tell, but the wind was blowing and it was cooooold the day we took these pictures. I let them sit in the car nice and cozy warm while I got it set up then got them out and hurried them through the pictures. Brrrr...such good sports though! I love them sooo...
The kids call Ryan's parents Little Grandma & Big Pap. Well, Little Grandma & Big Pap like to have their picture taken with the kids to use for their Christmas cards.
Tina & the boys made it to Dad's house for Thanksgiving this year and she wanted me to get some pics of her and the boys. Of course I was happy to take some pictures of my cute nephews, and Tina too!
Ashley is the daughter of a good friend of mine and my sisters..which makes Ashley a good friend of ours too! She had two sweet boys that she wanted me to take some pictures of..and she reluctantly got in the pictures too. Not sure why...she's can see where her boys get their looks from!
and as a baby brother and her went out the night these pics were taken, and have been dating ever since! I'm so happy for both of them!
Hi and Welcome to all that read/look at/follow my blog! I know some of you, but some I don't! So if you have a moment to spare, leave a comment and say Hi, maybe let me know who you are and the area you are from!!
Thanks for letting me share my photos with you!
I'm a stay at home Mom to two of the loves of my life, my 6 year old twins Abigail & Caleb. My husband Ryan is the other love of my life, and then throw in a puppy (aka: Molly) and it equals one crazy fun filled household!
I'm an amateur photographer who has always taken photos of anything and everything. I love capturing everyday moments and special moments in natural light.
All images on this blog belong to me, Tammy Kimble/Tammy Kimble Photography. Please do not copy, save, or download to your computer or hard drive, or print these images.
copyright 2008, 2009, 2010