Obviously I feel behind on blogging/posting pictures, so I'm tryin to catch up and do better. So, below are some random pictures/fun from October and November. Not the best quality pictures, but just fun time with the kids.
We had a fun time playing tail tag with Daddy one evening!

Then it was Halloween. We had a Ballerina & a Buzz Lightyear this year.

Red Ribbon week at school (Drug Awareness) brought out the silly in the kids. This was crazy hair day.

Molly loves any kind of food you give her, even pizza!

Election Day came and went, and our little voters went with me this year. We all usually go together but since we had to get Abigail to gymnastics, we couldn't wait for Daddy. Abigail & Caleb both got to push the buttons to help Mommy vote. They always get the "I voted" stickers and we always get a picture of them with the stickers.

Daddy has been spending alot of time working on Mommy's car, and Abigail & Caleb wanted to help by holding the flashlight.

It was spirit week at school this week and Tuesday was Pajama Day. Caleb almost wore his footie pajamas but decided against it at the last minute.

We've had a couple of warmer days this past week and the kids were able to play outside. One of their favorite spots was this big hole that Molly has dug. But after digging in it, they tracked dirt/mud into the house and onto the carpet. Realizing what they had done, they took their shoes off on the back porch and grabbed the vaccuum (it was sitting in the living room where I had been vacuuming) and vacuumed up their mess! Awesome kids!

They've been asking to climb this little dogwood tree for a while and I've always said no. But I was distracted enough the other day, and Little Pap was here and outside with them, so he let (helped) them climb the tree. Crazy monkey kids!
Caleb's plan was to climb out the tree and slide down Abigai's pocketbook strap (that was not even attached to the tree!)