Around 10:30am we lost power. We were semi-prepared...we had wood on the porch (covered) and we filled the tub up with water (for those wondering's a great source of water to warm up and clean up with, or to flush toilets!) We hadn't built a fire in the fireplace yet, we didn't want to burn up the wood in case we needed it later...and now we needed it. So we built a fire, we hauled up more wood, we shoveled snow, and Ryan got some propane tanks filled for our portable propane heater.
It's always interesting trying to figure out what we'll eat when the electric is out. Today we made Hobo pies in the fireplace...
yummy finished ham and cheese hobo pie
later the wood was piled perfectly to set an iron skillet on it to heat yesterdays breakfast leftovers.
Later we piled the wood semi-level again to heat some water in our cast iron dutch oven so that Ryan could clean up and shave. It was boiling in no time!
Getting close to dark and the temp in the house is dropping. I have to say, I'm impressed with how well the fireplace did. We closed all the bedroom doors and only heated the living room, kitchen, hall and bathroom, and it got up to 71 in the living room.
About the smae time it was in the 20's outside
Lantern and bottle of propane ready to go...
Ryan made a run to Lowe's to get propane for our heater and was supposed to get food while he was out. The kids were hungry before he got back so they ate some Lunchables from the fridge.
Candles and Lanterns are lit..
Ryan remembered that we had some burners to fit on the little propane tanks. He dug them out of the attic part of the building and we fixed dinner on them...macaroni and cheese, deer meat (canned) and corn all mixed together.
We finally put a movie in my laptop for the kids around 7:30 and told them they could watch it as long as the battery lasted. I took this picture of them watching it and then the power came back on. Woohooo! 9 hours without power..we survived!
And finally a picture of Molly. I had carried blankets to the living room for us to use tonight. Molly was wiped out from running in the snow all day and thought the blankets were Heaven!