Caleb liked them but was saving them..not sure what for. The thing I notice in the picture though...that boy sure has a hard time keeping his hands/fingernails clean. He's all boy for sure!
Then we decided to make chocolate chip cookies...just because we wanted to.
Abigail loves playing in the flour (she calls it helping)
Basically she loves cooking, and wants to do every part of it by herself
Finished product
We (I) decided to play school/teacher again. Abigail was willing, Caleb wasn't, but he did it. I had them write their name, and we worked on long and short vowels again.
Ryan had BBQ on his dinner, so Caleb wanted some too
They have been having a blast with the box that the TV came in. Sometimes it's a teacher's desk, sometimes it's the Mystery Machine, and sometimes it's just something fun to climb in and out of or somewhere to hide.
We finally got them to bed and they were out pretty quickly. Here's my two sleeping miracles.
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