We have two prisms hanging in our kitchen window and every morning around 10am we have dozens of beautiful rainbows all over our kitchen. My Mamaw Pearl used to have several in her windows when we were growing up and we loved see the rainbows from them. One of hers in one hanging in my kitchen now. :)
I changed the levels of the photos in Photoshop to make the background dark so the bright colors would show better.
Bouncey Balls. Remember them? Abigail & Caleb had two but they were too big. They recently discovered the joy of them at a friend's house and have been bouncing all over the place. :)
This is my first attempt at making a dress for Abigail. I wanted a reversible wrap around sundress, so I sort of combined two patterns to get this dress. I cut it a little bit too big (I never claimed to be a great seamstress!), but I think it will work. I still need to add two buttons. It's not EXACTLY how I wanted it, but I think I can modify it for the next time. :)
She picked the striped fabric, I had a pretty flower pattern picked out. Then I gave her the option of the flowers or solid green for the reverse side. She picked green. I'm thinking she doesn't like my flower fabric. :)
Kindergarten Registration is complete. Bwah Haaa Haaa. I can't believe they are growing up so quickly. Assesments are in April. School starts in August. We are still up in the air on whether they are actually going this year or not. Time will tell.
She wanted to come in the house like this. Of course I LET her, but only into the kitchen. It's only mud, it can be cleaned up. Now she's crying to come into the living room.
I just want to say Hi and Welcome to all that read/look at/follow my blog! I know some of you, but some I don't! So if you have a moment to spare, leave a comment and say Hi, maybe let me know who you are and the area you are from!!
We played outside with Molly for just a few minutes today. We all have colds, but Molly needed some outdoor time. Of course it was a great time to get some photos too. :)
This fallen tree in our yard has provided for some great photo shots.
All three....they love her and she loves and adores them. :)
This one was too funny to not include. Caleb & Molly have matching faces.
Hi and Welcome to all that read/look at/follow my blog! I know some of you, but some I don't! So if you have a moment to spare, leave a comment and say Hi, maybe let me know who you are and the area you are from!!
Thanks for letting me share my photos with you!
I'm a stay at home Mom to two of the loves of my life, my 6 year old twins Abigail & Caleb. My husband Ryan is the other love of my life, and then throw in a puppy (aka: Molly) and it equals one crazy fun filled household!
I'm an amateur photographer who has always taken photos of anything and everything. I love capturing everyday moments and special moments in natural light.
All images on this blog belong to me, Tammy Kimble/Tammy Kimble Photography. Please do not copy, save, or download to your computer or hard drive, or print these images.
copyright 2008, 2009, 2010