I had just came inside from taking some pictures and took my camera into the bedroom and laid it on the dresser. I changed clothes and picked up my camera to head out to the computer to look up some directions and upload my pictures to my computer. I picked it up quickly by the body and as I lifted it the strap wrapped around the dresser drawer knob and it jerked out of my hands and fell, hitting the vacuum cleaner sitting there. I figured it would be ok (I've dropped it before), but not this time. The lens is locked up, visibly crooked.
Good news is that the camera seems to be fine, and I have insurance on everything. I guess I'll call tomorrow and see what I need to do. I still need to add my 50mm to the policy, I've been meaning too, and now is just as good a time as any!
A pic of the broken lens:
awwww....that's not good at all.