The first kid crashed around 10pm, Abigail & Caleb made it to almost 11:30, Kyrsten lasted until around 3:30 or 4, and Hannah around 4:30 or so.
They had stuff going on all night, but things slowed down around 4am. But someone was always on the track.
Powhatan Relay for Life raised over $150,000 to fight/find a cure for cancer!! Impressive!
Why I walked - In Memory of Mom and in Honor of Dad, and in memory of Grandma & Grandpa Hyre, Papa Page & Aunt Frankie:
Singing the National Anthem
Part of the gang
The tumble bus and jump house was there...Abigail & Caleb were happy
Storm rolling in
Lots of "good" stuff to eat. Abigail & Caleb had ice cream, popcorn and later cotton candy. Caleb waited all evening to be able to wear that headlight on his head. :)
Survivor Walk
Holding hands and working together to find a cure
Caregiver Walk - She's a cancer survivor, he's her husband. He very recently had open heart surgery, but he did the lap. :) True loves, these two.
The bags are lit
The lights are turned off
Hope sign
Elvis was in the house
There was a high school group of kids and they had FUN! They did a guys "beauty pagent" and the guys (in their dresses) collected money for the relay. They danced, played tug of war, played flour ball, and did karaoke among other things...
Flour Ball - they fill small pieces of pantyhose up with flour and tie them off, then they line up and yell go. Everyone starts pummelling each other with these flour balls. It's hilarious to watch and then to see them all covered in flour!
Late night/early morning walkers
Reinforcements arrived around 3am
Early morning riser and walking first thing. After the storms it got cool(cold)!
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