my poor baby girl was so sad that their new "pets" (worms)were gone this morning. I told her that it was too cold outside in their bowl of dirt and that they crawled back in the ground where they would be warm. She cried big crocodile tears. This was after she calmed down some, but was still sad...
It was a beautiful Spring Day so the kids headed outside to play. They've been playing in a big hole that muttley (aka: Molly) keeps digging up, but today wanted to play in the sand box.
A little while later I heard them screaming and ran to see what was wrong. Nothing was wrong, they were screaming because they were happy...they found DAPHNE! Daphne spent the winter in the sandbox. Abigail has been so sad and looking everywhere for her. Caleb is the hero, he's the one who found her.
see how happy she is...
Abigail with her hero
They found some new "pets" in the Wall-E and Daphne (this was before they found the real Daphne.
The Gang
Their world has been turned upside Scooby is missing..
toes in the sand
playing in the sandbox
Ryan got home a little bit early so he could do some work in the garden First he started the rototiller
twine from the tomato fence
winding up the twine
more crocuses and some other tiny flowers in the yeard
We have this tree in our backyard that Ryan had damaged the roots on when he ran electric to the outbuilding. The top of the tree has been dying for several years and now its moving down the tree. We were worried about the kids playing out there, and the potential of it falling on the house, so it had to come down.
Ryan sizing the tree up
It did not want to fall over...Ryan trying to give it a little push to help it. (it didn't work)
The kids love it when Daddy is home when they wake up...they run right to him, forget about Mom. Abigail had her arms wrapped tight around his arm.
(not "great photos" thanks to early morning/poor light, but they capture what I wanted)
Caleb likes to show his missing tooth in all his pictures
no smile - she still has the sleepy face
she really is happy to see Daddy..just still sleepy
Daddy, Caleb, and the missing tooth
Breakfast - sausage, egg & cheese ring
Later I pulled out the Easter eggs and we cut wire and got the eggs ready to hang in the dogwood tree outside. We also put gel clings on the windows but I forgot to get pictures of that. :)
Hi and Welcome to all that read/look at/follow my blog! I know some of you, but some I don't! So if you have a moment to spare, leave a comment and say Hi, maybe let me know who you are and the area you are from!!
Thanks for letting me share my photos with you!
I'm a stay at home Mom to two of the loves of my life, my 6 year old twins Abigail & Caleb. My husband Ryan is the other love of my life, and then throw in a puppy (aka: Molly) and it equals one crazy fun filled household!
I'm an amateur photographer who has always taken photos of anything and everything. I love capturing everyday moments and special moments in natural light.
All images on this blog belong to me, Tammy Kimble/Tammy Kimble Photography. Please do not copy, save, or download to your computer or hard drive, or print these images.
copyright 2008, 2009, 2010