The power went out during the night so we moved the kids out to the living room, and started a fire in the fireplace.
Ryan found the propane burners so I made him some coffee.
I just boiled water then poured it through the coffee maker..same concept huh? :)
Steak and eggs for breakfast with my helpers
It just kept snowing
Our outdoor refrigerator
Caleb discovered a loose tooth
The kids wanted popcorn so we cooked microwave popcorn in a pan over the propane burner. We had battery left on the laptop so they were able to have a popcorn and a movie.
The next morning...BRRR..cold outside
and inside! We had to get up every 2-3 hours to put wood in the fire. See everyone snuggled deep in the covers here? One on the couch, one one the recliner, and one on the loveseat.
A new day...still no power
Another breakfast on the propane burners....sausage, bacon and eggs and we even tried biscuts (didn't work too well..I needed to be more patient)
Uh-oh...someone has a pink, crusty eye. Daddy had pink eye the previous week..looks like Abigail got it. We called the doctor's office and the answering service said they weren't returning calls and if we needed to see a doctor, we had to go to the Emergency we did. yep, it was pink eye.
Another uh-oh. Not sure where this water is coming from...never did find out.
Daddy reading the Bible to them. They love seeing where their names are in the Bible.
On our trip home from the ER we saw this silhouette and decided to try to find it (the smoke) What else did we have to do. (we never did find it)
we saw a State Road truck doing his job though
and saw a tree down on a power line. No wonder so many people were without power! Trees were down everywhere!
Monday morning - still no power
on the road to borrow Mona and Roberts generator....power trucks out trying to fix the lines/remove trees.
Filling up the solar shower bag. We were close to being out of water for everyday non-drinking use(we had filled the bathtub).
running the extension cord to plug in the refrigerator to the generator
I figured out a way to curl my hair!
our stack of blankets. Mom crocheted the two on top..they are so warm. The 4th and 5th ones up are by Ryan's mom and one by my Grandma.
close up of the afghans
Woohooo...power is back on!!!
the end of a long, but fun weekend! We survived!
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