As time went on I noticed that my floorboard was wet usually after I put fluid in (for trips). One day I was at a garage and a guy told me that his daughter had the same car as me and had the same issue..and that there was a connector in the line on the floor by the door (where my floor was wet)and that it had come undone on hers, so I decided to check mine.
I pulled the panels off, lifted the protective channel and this is what I saw:
The mice had chewed into my electrical wires and into my windshield washer line! And...I didn't take a picture, but there was a dead mouse there! YECH! YUCK! YICK!
The windshield washer fluid was just leaking into my car/floorboard and all over the wires. I usually ended up with a static"y" speaker after I put fluid in and now I know why.
I have had problems with mice in my car before. Chewing the foam out of my seats, chewing up tissues/napkins in the car, making nest in my glove box and tire jack area. And this car is driven almost every day! I set traps, but don't know what else to do to get rid of them! I told Ryan now it will be worse since the varmit under our house is gone (see post below). :(
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